宇治茶カフェ Ujicha Cafe

Kyoto City・North part of Kyoto Prefecture

31Wa-cafe Kinone和カフェ 季の音

Take a moment’s rest from the buzz of the city, have a break at this modern Japanese-styled space.

Free from the traditional rigid methods, here you can enjoy matcha tea without the formalities. Using high quality Ujicha, this cafe restaurant values the ingredients and taste above all else. The recommended menu items are the Japanese styled parfait, original baked cakes, and various seasonal foods and drinks.

Address 4th floor, Kuramoto Building (au shop at the ground floor), 384 Komeya-cho, Kawaramachi Shijo-agaru,, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City
京都市中京区河原町通四条上ル米屋町384 くらもとビル4階(1階はauショップ)
Access 1 minute walk from Kawaramachi Station of Hankyu Railway
Business hours 11:30~18:30(L.O.18:00)
Closed Tuesday
Tel 81-75-213-2288