宇治茶カフェ Ujicha Cafe

Kyoto Yamashiro・Otokuni Area

7Ocha no Kanbayashi (Tea shop KANBAYASHI)お茶のかんばやし 喫茶かんばやし

A long-established store that continues to passionately pursue the taste, aroma and quality of tea

A Japanese tea specialty shop run by the Kanbayashi family, a family of tea masters who have served as purveyors of tea products for the Edo Shogunate and the imperial court for more than 400 years since the establishment of the shop. To make the tea taste smooth with less bitterness and astringency. The shop pays particular attention to the selection of tea fields and the composition of the different tea leaves. (Tours of the factory annex are possible). English language service is available.

Address 43 Uji Myoraku, Uji City
Access 10 minutes walk from JR Uji Station or Keihan Railway Uji Station
Business hours 9:00~18:00 (L.O.17:00)
Closed Open all year round (Excluding New Year's Day)
Tel 81-774-22-2514